2023.5.19 New Logo for JAXA's Space Exploration Activities


We are pleased to announce that the JAXA Space Exploration Center (JSEC) has decided on the following "International Space Exploration Logo" to symbolize JAXA's future lunar and Mars exploration activities.

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This logo was created based on the grand prize-winning design (adult category) of the "JAXA's Lunar and Mars Exploration Logo Contest"(web page in Japanese), held from July to October 2022.

We also also considering using the following logo designs (respectively based on the grand prize-winning designs in the elementary school and under category, and junior and senior high school category) for various occasions.


Thank you for the many submissions to the "JAXA's Lunar and Mars Exploration Logo Contest". JSEC will continue all efforts towards lunar and Mars exploration.

- Click here to check the results of the Logo Contest (web page in Japanese).